Friday, 25 September 2015


Prophet Idris saw the rivers where the water is clear as glass. On the edge of the river there are trees whose trunks are made of gold and silver. There is also a marble palaces for the Host. Fruit trees exist in every corner. Fresh fruit, ripe and fragrant. Time walking around there, the Prophet Idris, accompanied by a servant of heaven. They are the angels his beautiful and young children are very handsome face. They behave and speak politely. Prophet Idris suddenly want to drink the waters of heaven. "May I take it? The water looked cool and fresh. "" Please drink, this beverage to the Host. "Answer Izrael. The waiter brought drinks heaven come in the form of a trophy made of gold and silver. Prophet Idris was drinking it with pleasure. He was very grateful to be able to enjoy drinking water that is so fresh and amazingly tasty. It never occurred to her no drinks delicious as that. "Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah," Prophet Idris give thanks repeatedly. Once satisfied to see heaven, it was time to go to the Prophet Idris to return to earth. But he would not come back to earth. His heart was captivated beauty and pleasures of heaven God. "I do not want to get out of this paradise, I want to worship Allah until the Day of Judgement," said the Prophet Idris. 'You can stay here after Judgement, after all the acts of worship in the reckoning by God, the new host could inhabit heaven with the Prophet and those who believe another, "Izrael said. "But God is Merciful, especially to His Prophet. Finally God mengkaruniakan a glorious place in the sky, and the Prophet Idris being the only prophet who inhabit heaven without dying. Appointed time to the place, the Prophet Isris 82 years old. The Word of God: "And mention Idris in the Koran. Indeed it is a very justified and a prophet, and we have raised it to a high dignity. "(Surat al-Anbiya: 85-86). *** At the time of Prophet Muhammad was traveling Isra 'Mi'raj to the sky, he met the Prophet Idris. "Who is this person? Jibril asked the Prophet Muhammad to the accompanying time. "This is Idris," said Gabriel. Prophet Mohammed was briefed about Idris Allah in the Qur'an Surat al-Anbiya verse 85 and 86, as well as the Letter Maryam verse 56 and 57.

Prophet Idris are the descendants of Cain and Iqlima (sons and daughters of Adam's) to this keturununannya assigned Idris God invites to the truth. Prophet Idris was the first to receive the revelation through the Angel Gabriel, when he was 82 years old. There was no information on the exact location on the life of Idris (Hurmus al-Haramisah) who is assigned to fix the morals of children and grandchildren of this Qabil. Some call the area Munaf, Egypt, but those that refer to Babylon. To be sure Idris who since childhood studied from the Prophet Syits (Son of Adam), has lowered her prophetic revelation. "And Tell (O Muhammad to them, the story) Idris (mentioned) in the Qur'an. Indeed it is a very justified and a prophet. And We raised him to a high dignity. "(EMQ. Maryam: 56-57) Idris according to history in the Hadith Bukhari is the father of his grandfather Noah means the Prophet Idris is the sixth generation from Adam, Noah considering himself as a descendant of Adam ten.

Excess Prophet Idris Prophet Idris has several advantages alias miracle of God: First, he was the first man who knows how to read and write with a pen. Idrislah Allah to give 30 Sahifah alias suhuf sheets of God's teachings, contains instructions to be delivered to his people. Secondly, the Prophet Idris given a variety of knowledge ranging from merancak (taking care of) horses, astrology (falaq), until numerology alias mathematics. Third, the Prophet Idris name itself comes from the word meaning Darasa learning. Idris is very diligent in reviewing the teachings of Allah revealed to Adam and Prophet Syits, even directly to him. Prophet Idris also very diligently studying the phenomenon of the universe, that all of the verses and the signs of his Lord. Fourth, the Prophet Idris is the first smart cut and sew clothes. People previously supposedly only wearing animal skins in a simple and straightforward to be used as cover genitalia. Idris who are hungry everyday science was preoccupied by a variety of interests, but he still always remember God. With the knowledge that reaches completeness, strength and greatness are qualified. Idris be brave not afraid to die, not afraid to anyone, especially the descendants of Cain-Iqlima aware that when it is filled with error. Can be understood if he received an honorary degree Usud Asadul alias "lion above every lion" of Allah. To his people, Idris ordered to eradicate the habit of contempt. Idris is assigned to fix the low moral, unjust to others, like hostility, and the like mischief. To the descendants of Cain, Idris stressed that faith in God can give you good luck. "Therefore, O my people," said Idris, "Hold the rope religion of Allah, beribdalah only to God. Free yourself from the doom of the Hereafter by means of good deeds and kindness. Zuhudlah in the world and to be fair, prayers accordance with the teachings of the Lord. Fasting on certain days every month, jihad against the enemies of religion crafted by the devil, and remove zakat and charity to help the poor and the stricken misfortune "

Moreover, Idris also always expressed some messages virtues: First, pray over a dead person of respect, because only God intercessors in the size of charity. Second, the magnitude of gratitude spoken, still will not be able to beat the magnitude of God's grace given. Third, sincerely welcome the Lord's call to prayer, fasting, and obey all his commands. Fourth, avoid malicious envy alias to Sasama which have provision, because nature does not amount to much. Fifth, accumulate wealth piled no benefits for themselves. Sixth, life is filled wisdom handaknya policy (ma'al anbiya 'fil Quranil Karim: 78) May be useful ... The story of Prophet Idris - The story of the angel of death Izroil By Gunawan - April 20, 2013Posted in: Stories Prophet Stories Islamic prophet Idris A story that is review of the story of Prophet Idris is one of the prophet messenger of Allah were given the task of communicating the message to his people. Prophet Idris granted the right prophethood by Allah after the Prophet Adam As. Prophet Idris lived from about 4533 to 4188 BC. Prophet Idris as the sixth descendant of the Prophet Adam. Here is the complete pedigree of origin is the prophet Idris, Idris bin yarid bin Mahlail bin qainan bin anusy bin syits son of Adam. According to the book of commentary, the prophet istris live a thousand years after Adam's death. Prophet Idris is a servant of God that always learn Manuscripts-Manuscripts Prophet Adam. He was also awarded "Asadul Usud" which means lion, because he never gave up when performing his duties as a prophet. He was never afraid to face his people who disbelieved. But he was never arrogant, he also has a forgiving nature. In addition to the commendable nature, Prophet Idris as a prophet of God also endowed with various kepandian and proficiency in a variety of disciplines, he also was granted the ability to create a variety of tools to facilitate human activity or employment. In some Islamic story, he is reported as the first prophet to recognize text, multi-lingual, computation science, natural science, astronomy and others.

The story of Prophet Idris - When the angels and the Prophet Idris izroil up near Hell, prophet Idris as fainted. The guardian angel of hell is a figure that is very scary. He was dragged and tortured humans disobedience to Allah during his lifetime. Prophet Idris could not witness the terrible tortures it. There is no sight more horrible than the hell. The fire broke out violently bermuruh sound scary and horrible things the other. Prophet Idris left hell with the limp body. Furthermore, the Prophet Idris below by izroil angels to heaven. Izroil angel guardian angel greeting the doors of heaven are angels Ridwan, Assalamu'alaikum ... "different from hell guardian angels, angel Ridwan has a handsome face, his face is always radiant and dihiasai with a friendly smile. Whoever would be happy to look at it. It also displays an attitude that is very polite, gentle as to allow the penguni heaven enter a place full of peace and enjoyment of it. Is no different when seen hell, prophet Idris almost fainted at the sight of heaven, not from fear, but because fascinated. So beautiful and amazing what is in heaven. Subhanallah, Subhanallah, Subhanallah .. greeting prophet Idris repeatedly because he was so fascinated by the beauty of heaven. Story prophet Idris - saw sunga-river where the water is so clear are like glass. Meanwhile on the verges of the river there are trees that the stalks made of peak and gold. Then there is also the palace-istaina to the Host. In every corner there are trees that produce fruit, the fruit was begit fresh, ripe and fragrant.

Prophet Idris also had an opportunity to get around, he diiringin by the servants of heaven. They merupaka his beautiful angel and children is a very handsome face. They display good behavior and polite while talking. Suddenly Prophet Idris iingin drink the waters of heaven. Prophet Idris also asked permission, "may I take it? The water looked cool and fresh all "Then the angel izroil allow it," Please drink, this beverage to penguni heaven. "The angel answered izroil. The waiter arrived with a glass of drink heaven made of gold and silver. Prophet Idris then drink it with pleasure. She was so grateful to have the opportunity to enjoy the water is so fresh and amazingly tasty. The drinks were delicious as he had never imagined. Greeting hamdalah many times even out of his mouth "Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah" After the Prophet Idris satisfied to see heaven, finally arrived jug time for him to leave heaven and come back to earth. But he did not want to come back to earth. His heart was captivated by the beauty and pleasures of heaven belongs to God Almighty. Prophet Idris as also saying "I do not want to get out of this paradise, I want to worship God until the day Kimata later," Angel izroil replied "Sir can stay here after Judgement, after all deeds brought to account by God, the new master could inhabit heaven with the prophets and other believers, "But Allah is the Most Compassionate, especially kebada His Prophet. God also mengkaruniakan a place that is so precious in the sky, and the prophet Idris is the only prophet who lives in heaven without dying. When taken to a place of glory, when the prophet Idris 82 years old. Prophet Idris story

There are 4 passages in the Qur'an's related to the story of Prophet Idris, the verses are connected to each other in Surah Maryam and Surah Al-Anbiya '. "And tell (O Muhammad to them, the story) Idris is contained in the Qur'an's. Indeed it is the very justified and a prophet. And we raised him to the dignity of the high (Qs. 19: 56-57) "And (remember) Ismail, Idris, and Dzulkifli. All of them include people who are patient. We have included them into our mercy. Surely they include people who are patient. "(Qs. 21: 85-86) May the prophet Idris above story we can take the lesson, the more believe in the existence of heaven and hell. Increase our faith and piety that diizinka go to heaven, execute all commands and avoid a ban God from being exposed to the punishment of hellfire. Aamiin. The story of Prophet Idris v.s. With the Devil Posted on June 8, 2011 by nursyirah Referenced from Ust. Abu Basyer ألسلام عليكم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Praise be to Allah, the Lord sekelian nature. Selawat and greetings for the noble lord of the Prophet Muhammad family and friends, and followers who obey the king's istiqamah up to the Day of Judgment. Friend of the blessed God

The devil will come tempt and incite the son of Adam in all overall ranking. But the devil is very difficult to tempt the apostles and prophets are infallible and was always in the maintenance of Allah. The devil tried to tempt Prophet Idris U.S. turns his efforts failed because the coming of the Devil has been known by the Prophet Idris first. One day the Prophet Idris U.S. was approached by a man carrying grain eggs. When the Prophet Idris U.S. was sewing his shirt. Without greeting, the man continued to rebuke the Prophet Idris, "O Idris, may God you enter the world into the egg while I hold this?" With the permission of Allah. Prophet Idris knows with whom he was dealing. Then the Prophet Idris said, "Come near to me and ask what you want to ask." The man had approached the Prophet Idris is still being sewed. "May your God enter the world into this egg?" The strange man repeated his question. "My Lord may enter a world where sake only, let alone into the egg which you hold it, even he shall enter into the pinhole world that I hold this," said the Prophet Idris Then the king deserve a resilient mencucuk man's eyes with a needle in her hand. Startled the stranger and he could not do anything. Dark-mist he fled the Prophet Idris who has blinded his eyes.

The man who disturb the Prophet Idris is the devil laknatullah. Teaching:
 1. The devil will come to tempt the children of Adam, samaada comprised of the prophet or ordinary people with various ruse and deceit. Thus we let be careful with the wiles of the devil.
 2. Tips taught by scholars to avoid the devil's incitement that is, if there is any doubt or misgivings in the liver quickly leave misgivings and continue to take tindakkan definite. For example if we forget rekaat numbers in prayer samaada rekaat 3rd or 4th, take as rekaat 3rd and added one more rekaat and ends with a prostration for forgetfulness.
 3. If the hunger for charity or want to make something pious charity, continue to be performed not in a tough-tough again because that is trying melenggah-lenggahkannya is of the devil whisper.
 4. Weapons can destroy the Devil: Word of the Prophet intending: "O Satan, what weapon that can destroy you?" Said the Devil, "O Prophet of Allah. People are much remembrance and many charity by hiding (sincere heart), and there are many internal repentance and a lot of reading the Koran Kalam Allah, and a lot of prayer in the middle of the night. It was all going to destroy me. " Devil Eyes Stabbed Needle By Prophet Idris Islami Exemplary Story Posted by on Friday, February 7, 2014

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. K. piety as the Prophet was able to defeat the ability of the devil. In fact, just by Sepucuk sewing needle used for work, he was able to make the devil's eyes become blind. The story of Prophet Idris is a figure of the famous prophets and apostles piety. He was the sixth descendant of the Prophet Adam. He was born 1,000 years after Adam's death. His real name is Ukhunuh. However, because of religious and diligently studied the books of God, then he is known by the name of Idris. According to history, the Prophet Idris adaalah first prophet of the most intelligent writing with language and can read. Because of his ability to read it, Allah has been lowered 30 syahifah in the form of instructions to be delivered to his people consisting of the descendants of Cain who was the son of Prophet Adam that disobedience to Allah SWT. Clever Sewing As well as his ability in reading and writing, he is also known as the first person who can ride a horse, knowing the science of stars, clever thinking and to fight against disobedient to Allah SWT. He is also the first person who is good at cutting and sewing clothes made from animal skins. Daily life is always filled with the worship of Allah and help the poor. At the time of his spare time to use for sewing clothes. Usually when the clothes are ready, he will give it to the poor. In addition, every day he never separated from fasting.

Prophet Idris never forget to serve and worship to God even though he was busy overcoming daily tasks. Prophet Idris is also a valiant man, he has an incredible power. That's why he is known as the "Asadul Usud" or lion of all lions. Allah blessed with manly nature, the Prophet Idris able to fight against those who rebel against Allah. That's why he glorified Allah as described in Sura Maryam verses 56-57. Allah says, واذكر في الكتاب إدريس إنه كان صديقا نبيا (56) ورفعناه مكانا عليا (57) 56. and Tell (O Muhammad to them, the story) Idris (mentioned) in the Qur'an. Indeed it is a very justified and a prophet. 57. And We raised him to high dignity. It is also confirmed in a letter Al Anbiya verse 85-86. Allah says, وإسماعيل وإدريس وذا الكفل كل من الصابرين (85) وأدخلناهم في رحمتنا إنهم من الصالحين (86) 85. and (remember) Ismail, Idris and Dzulkifli. Including all those people who are impatient. 86. We admitted them into our mercy. Indeed, they included people virtuous. Stabbing Devil's Eye During his lifetime, Prophet Idris very devout and pious, is the devils and demons of envy. On a day when the Prophet Idris was sitting sewing clothes, suddenly and out of nowhere the arrival, there appeared a man at his front door while holding an egg in his hand.

The devil disguised as the man said, "O Prophet of Allaah Ibraaheem, Lord can insert eggs into this world? Glance Prophet Idris see him, and he already knew that people who were in front of him it is laknatullah devil in disguise. Prophet Idris said, "Come here, come closer to me and ask what you want." The devil thought himself clever disguise and approached the Prophet Idris. She looks happy because they feel the disguise is not known by the Prophet Idris. The devil says, "Can your Lord incorporate eggs into this world?" "Never enter this world into the eggs of this magnitude, even into the needle hole is also my Lord in power to do so," replied the Prophet Idris. Then with lightning speed Prophet Idris evil eye poked by the needle. Quick as a flash the needle on the eyes, and the devil was screaming in pain. He was surprised and did not think that the Prophet Idris will know their tricks. Because the evil eye needle Prophet Idris, then his eyes were blinded. Without wasting time, the demons ran helter-skelter out of sight of the Prophet Idris. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Prophet Idris Prophet Idris is the sixth offspring than the prophet Adam. The king's name is Idris bin Mahlail bin Qinan bin Anusy bin Syits son of Adam and his real name is Khanaukh. Prophet Idris was the first descendant of the prophet Adam inducted into the prophet after Adam and Syits as His Majesty is also the ancestor of the prophet Noah God has called Idris as a prophet and righteous in surah Maryam verses 56-57. "Tell (unto them, O Muhammad! (Story)) Idris in the Koran. Indeed he is a righteous man (Siddiq) and a prophet. We have raised (darjatnya) to a high level. "

Childhood , Idris had learned than Syits and the king has got a lot of knowledge . As an adult , God has inaugurated Idris became a prophet and give the king as much as 30 books . After becoming a prophet , Idris has called on his followers to worship Allah and do good. Prophet Idris was the first to write using a pen and wearing clothes that berjahit.Nabi Idris also has expertise on horseback , thought , astronomy , cutting and sewing garments . His Majesty also was a very brave and gallant in carrying out propaganda against crime and so held Asadul Asad that is, a lion of all Lions. Throughout the prophet Idris preaching, the king of followers who have only a little . Crowded people who opposed the prophet Idris so that the king was forced to flee and leave Egypt .

He sends down revelation to the king and told him THAT God raised darjat prophet Idris as the entire practice of the children of Adam. One of the angels of God's elect came to the Prophet Idris and invite the king to talk so that the practice of the Prophet Idris increases. Then, the angel brought the prophet Idris in between the two wings up into the sky. When reached to the sky fourth, they met with Azrael. Azrael asked where the prophet Idris. The angel who brought prophet tells THAT Idris Idris behind it. Then, Azrael tells the life of the prophet Idris THAT should be repealed in the fourth heaven and Azrael continues to deprive the spirit of the prophet Idris. That's the story of the prophet Idris who have honored God in His word, "Remember the story of Ishmael, and Zulkifli Idris. Each belonging to the steadfast. "(Al-Anbiya ': 85) Not much information was found about the story of Prophet Idris in the Koran mahupun in the books of Tafseer and the historical books-nabi.Di prophet in Al Quran there are only two verses about the Prophet Idris, that is, in surah Maryam verses 56 and 57 and in Sura Anbiya verse 85 and 86: "And mention {O Muhammad to them, the story} Idris who are mentioned in the Koran. Indeed it is a very justified and a prophet. 57 - And We raised him to a high dignity. " {Maryam: 56-57} "And (so well) Prophets Ismail and Idris, and Zul-kifli; all of them are of people who are impatient. And we put them in the (collection endowed) Our mercy: in fact they are from people who are pious. " {Anbiya: 85-86} Prophet Idris is the sixth descendant of the Prophet Adam son of Yarid bin Mihla'iel bin Qinan bin Anusy bin Syith bin Adam and is a descendant of the first prophetic dikurniai be a prophet after Adam and Syith. According to Ibn Kathir in Qhisasul Anbiya 'said THAT Prophet Idris met with Adam. It describes THAT six generations can meet amongst each other. [1]

Prophet Idris conferred skill in the various disciplines of proficiency as well as the equipment used to create today's human beings such as writing, mathematics, astronomy, and others again. According to a story, there is a period in which most people have forgotten God, and the earth has been punished by the drought. Walaubagaimanapun, Prophet Idris U.S. prayed to Allah Hadrat s.w.t. and ended the drought with rain. Prophet Idris in history while living in Egypt where he preached to the religion of Allah teaches monotheism and worship to worship God and give some pendoman life for his followers in order menyelamat away from seksaan hereafter, and the destruction and the destruction of the world. He lived to the age of 82 years. According to the book The Prophet of God Enoch: Prophet of Allaah Ibraaheem Idris, Idris is the Arabic name for Enoch. He stated in the Quran as the man chosen by Allah swt so he was raised to the sky. A belief that is not confirmed validity said THAT pyramid has been constructed as referring to the Prophet Idris, in the area because that is where he was raised to the sky. Advice and Teaching

Among some advice and words of pearls are: ~
 1. Patience of faith in God leads to victory.
 2. People who are happy are those who are wary and expecting intercession than his Lord with deeds solehnya.
 3. If you are asking for something to God and pray that your intentions ikhlaskanlah similarly fast and solatmu.
 4. Do not swear in a state you are lying and do not require an oath of those who lie so that you do not ally them in sin.
5. Obey the king-king and submit to the magnifying-pembesarmu and fill the always mouth-mouth with thanksgiving and praise to God.
6. Do not envy the people who fared well, because they will not be much and long enjoyed good fortune.
7. Anyone who goes beyond the simplicity that nothing would satisfy him.
8. Without membahagi-bahagikan favors obtained a can not thank God for favors that diperolehinya it. The Word of God THAT Prophet Idris was appointed dignity. Ibn Abi Hatim narrated in his commentary THAT Prophet Idris died when he was in the fourth heaven brought by an Angel Wallahu a'alam bissawab.

The story of Prophet Idris Up Ke Langit by admin · January 20, 2012 5 Prophet Idris 'upon whom be peace Prophet Idris' peace be upon him is a prophet of God will praise properties perfect justification, have perfect knowledge, faith that is strong, and many righteous deeds. Allaah also raised his name to the rest of nature, and God lift his position among creatures close to him sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Such comments Shaikh As-Sa'di in interpreting Surat Maryam: 56-57. In the Qur'an and Sunnah is not too lengthy story will be Prophet Idris' peace be upon him. Only three verses in the Koran that refer directly about it. Among other things, واذكر في الكتاب إدريس إنه كان صديقا نبيا {56} ورفعناه مكانا عليا {57} "And remember what in the Book of the Prophet Idris. He was a very justification, again a Prophet. "(EMQ. Maryam: 56-57) Mujahid explains about the verse that the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him raised to the sky in a state does not die like Jesus' peace be upon him (Tafsir Tabari, 72: 16 with a saheeh sanad). There is another report that explains that he was appointed an angel to the sky, and then came the angel of death take his life there, wallahu knows best. Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him met the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam in the fourth heaven when events Ascension. This indicates that Allaah put his position at a high degree among other prophets. Word of Allaah in another verse, وإسماعيل وإدريس وذا الكفل كل من الصابرين "And the Prophet Ishmael, Prophet Idris, the Prophet Dzulkifli, they are among those who are patient." (Qur'an, Al-Anbiya: 85)

Likewise, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned in the Hadith that suggests something about the nature of the Prophet Idris' peace be upon him. He said: "It is a prophet of prophets outlining the fate, then whoever is able to do (with the provision of science is certain and to the correct), it may be for him." (HR. Muslim) Some scientists say that the prophet in question (in the above hadith) is the Prophet Idris' peace be upon him. Imam Nawawi explains about this tradition, "I mean the real outlining the fate is haraam, because it is not done unless, subject to the exact sciences and to the correct, and nothing for us. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not mention the law, so that no misinterpretation that what the prophet is forbidden, because the Prophet had knowledge that it could do so. As we have no knowledge about it. "(Sharh Muslim, 5:21) When Lifespan Prophet Idris' upon whom be peace? Occurred a fundamental difference about the history of the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him, whether he is a prophet who lived before Noah' peace be upon him or afterward? Historians such as Ibn Kathir, Tabari, Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Jarir, ash-Syaukani, As-Suyuti, and others explain that the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him alive before Noah' peace be upon him. Their reasons:

1. Judging from nasab that the Prophet Idris was the original name was Khonukh which includes ancestors of Noah 'peace be upon him.

2. Interpretation paragraph: أولئك الذين أنعم الله عليهم من النبيين من ذرية ءادم وممن حملنا مع نوح ومن ذرية إبراهيم وإسراءيل وممن هدينا واجتبينا إذا تتلى عليهم ءايات الرحمن خروا سجدا وبكيا "Those are the ones that God has given favors, namely among Prophets from the descendants of Adam and from those We carried with Noah from the descendants of Ibrahim and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose. When recited verses of Allah the Merciful to them, then they expect to bow down and weep. "(EMQ. Maryam: 58) Meaning (من ذرية آدم) is the prophet Idris' peace be upon him. Because in that paragraph are sorted on genealogy. And the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him, including the descendants of Adam "peace be upon him that is not with Noah' peace be upon him in the boat. Prophet Idris means 'peace be upon him the order before Noah' peace be upon him.
3. Imam an-Nawawi said, "The words of the Prophet Idris (مرحبا بالنبي الصالح والأخ الصالح)) does not preclude that the presence of the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him as the father of our prophet, Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, because the word 'pious brother' implies that it is as gentle and civilized language, in which the brothers even though she wears lafaz her son because the prophets are all brothers, so also the believers are all brothers. "(Sharh Muslim, 2: 220). As for the other scholars, such as al-Qurtubi, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, Ibn Uthaymeen and others claimed that the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him was life after Noah' peace be upon him. They reasoned:

              1. Human speech to Noah 'peace be upon him when asking for intercession: "O Noah ...! You are the first messengers that God sent to inhabitants of the earth. "Here it is clear that there are no apostles before Noah. So if the Prophet Idris including apostles it is unlikely that he lived before Noah.
              2. Interpretation QS. An-Nisa: 163. Here the prophets are sorted after Noah 'peace be upon him, including the Prophet Idris' peace be upon him, meaning his time after Noah' peace be upon him.
              3. Speech of Imam Al-Bukhari in his Sahih that the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him is the Prophet Elias' peace be upon him. And has clearly known that the Prophet Elias' peace be upon her life after Noah.
 4. The words of the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon himself when he met the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam in the fourth heaven (in the event of Mi'raj) (مرحبا بالنبي الصالح والأخ الصالح) ("Welcome, O pious Prophet and pious brother!"). if the Prophet Idris 'peace be upon him alive before Noah' peace be upon him. Of course he would say: (مرحبا بالنبي الصالح والأخ الصالح) ("Welcome, O pious Prophet and pious child!") As the sayings of the Prophet Adam and Abraham 'peace be upon him. There is another opinion is not impartial, among which are:
              1. Ibn Hajar said, "The notion that Noah as the first apostle who was associated with the earth's population. Because at the time of Prophet Adam no inhabitants on this earth, but his family only, so the apostolate of Adam like education for their children. Also implies that Noah's apostolate for children and much more that has spread in some areas. As for Adam, apostolic confined to children and they are in only one region. As for the Prophet Idris there is a problem, because its existence before or after Noah dispute. "(Fath Bari, 6: 418)

              2. Al - Qadi Iyad said, " When the Prophet Idris was the Prophet Elijah of the Children of Israel would mean he lived after Noah , so it is true that Noah was a prophet and apostle of the first and the Prophet Idris was also a prophet and apostle . As for Adam and his son Syits , though also an apostle , but only limited to children and their families ; remember that time there has been no unbelievers . Both teach faith and obedience to Allah Ta'ala . Another with Noah , he was sent to the pagans who had started on earth . And this is perhaps closer pedanpat that Adam and Idris ' peace be upon both of them is not an apostle but both were prophets. " ( Sharh Muslim by Imam an- Nawawi , 3:55 )


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